April 18th, the first installment of my new post-apocalyptic/dystopian series will launch. Titled The Day After Never – Blood Honor, it promises to be a non-stop adrenaline rush for fans of the genre, as well as, and I know this will sound weird, sci-fi, and…westerns.
I know. WTFF? But that’s how it turned out.
Here are cover reveals for the first and second installments, Blood Honor and Purgatory Road.
These will be priced in the weeds. $2.99 for the first installment, $3.99 for the second and third, which are longer.
Early beta readers are saying this is some of my best work. I’ll publish a sneak preview of the first bit in a few, but until then, I have…covers! I’m super excited about them, and think the design, by Elizabeth Mackey, rocks. But you decide: