So far my new one, The Goddess Legacy, is getting stellar reviews, for which I’m heartened, because I honestly believe it’s a great book. I know I’m not supposed to say that, but it’s how I feel. Anyone, especially any authors, who want a textbook example of pacing, twists, reversals, action, and plotting, and especially how outlining can add to story complexity rather than dampen creativity, are encouraged to read it. If I only wrote one book as a sample of my approach, this would be the one.
On other matters, I’m halfway through JET – Forsaken, and it’s turning out well. This will be the eleventh, or thirteenth, JET tome in the series, depending on how you count them, and I’m happy so say that the character and premise haven’t grown stale. I think fans of the series will enjoy it, and am looking forward to its release in November.
After that, I write a novella for a friend’s Kindle World, and that’s it for this year. Then I have to sit down and figure out what to release next year, because if I’m going to have a release in January or so, I have to write it in October so the editor and proofreader can work their magic. So perhaps a month off, and then whatever that is begins, keeping me out of trouble for the foreseeable future.
I’m toying with a trilogy in the DAN world, and probably another JET, another Ramsey’s, and a BLACK. If no trilogy, I have two ideas for stand-alones, one that might get me killed so I am reluctant to write, the other of which is an interesting premise, and would be the start of a new series featuring an investigative journalist in the southwest. That one’s percolating and seems likely to happen. I’m also still toying with my WATER trilogy idea, but I kind of want to co-author that one for more breadth in the world and story than I currently have.
So that’s what I’m up to. If you haven’t picked up Goddess, you could do worse. It’s a hell of a yarn, and one I’m proud of. Now off to conjure up more JET excitement. Idle hands being the devil’s…you know.
The newest novel in the Drake Ramsey series, The Goddess Legacy, is now live, and if you’ve never read any of my work this would be the book I’d recommend. It represents the apex of my approach to pacing, plot, and story development, and there isn’t a wasted scene in the nearly 100K words.
It’s rare as an author when you feel you got it completely right. I would have to say the first novel in my post-apocalyptic series, The Day After Never, feels that way, but it’s a relatively short work at 75K words, and was setting the stage for the development of characters that would have to carry multiple books, so there were some practical constraints in terms of how fast it could move. The Goddess Legacy takes established characters that are fully formed, and plunges them headlong into mayhem that escalates at every turn, so it can barrel along with joyful abandon with the reader along for the ride.
To say it’s a fun read is an understatement, in my opinion. I’m rather proud of this one. It moves like a runaway train, and just keeps accelerating through to the denouement. Almost every chapter has a twist, a turn, a reversal, or an unexpected surprise, and many have all of those and then some.
That’s the pitch. If you enjoy books in the tradition of Clive Cussler, James Rollins, and Dan Brown, and movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark, you should be in heaven with The Goddess Legacy. Best of all, even though it’s the third book in the series it’s written so it can be read as a standalone, so you can pick it up even if you’ve never read the first two, just as you could enjoy Da Vinci even if you hadn’t read Angels and Demons, or Raise the Titanic if you hadn’t read Clive’s earlier books.
Try it. If you don’t like it, refund it. That’s a zero risk proposition. My hope is it gets widely read. I haven’t been this excited by a release in a long time, and this one really feels like it’s hit all the right notes. Hope you think so, too.
Guess we’ll know soon enough.