
July, 2020

It’s been exceedingly difficult to get into writing, with the virus calamity and the projects I’ve been working on, but I’m chipping away at a new JET, and making slow, if steady progress. You would think things would have slowed while in quarantine, but nothing could be further from the truth.

One of the projects is a new “Retirement Secrets of Mexico” book wherein I reveal what I believe are the best buys South of the border. Taking into account housing prices, crime, cost of living, taxes, banking, health care, lifestyle, infrastructure, visas, weather, amenities, proximity to cool stuff like beaches or other wonders, etc. I’ve already finished a companion book that came in at 180 pages, titled “Escape to Baja,” that highlights the charms of Baja, Mexico, but the more complete tome will take a while. I think it will be of value as folks age, tire of being taxed to death, and want to live out their lives in locales that are affordable, safe, and generally chill. I’ve got properties in three of the five areas I plan to highlight, so I put my money where my mouth is.

Obviously I consider these the best places I’ve found because I could live anywhere but chose them and remain in them, although there are other locations in Eastern Europe and the Far and Near East that also are strong contenders, as well as a few in South America. Perhaps those will the the topic of a third book. Remains to be seen. But for now, my focus is Mexico, where I’ve lived for 16 years, have started or bought into six businesses, and where I’ve had the time of my life. So whether it’s toes in the sand beach living, European style cosmopolitan vibe, golf resort lifestyle, expat haven immersion, or a combo of all these, I’ll have something for everyone, although for my money there are a couple of clear winners, with one that 99% of Mexicans, and 99.999% of Gringos have never even heard of, being a top standout.

Another of the projects taking up my bandwidth is a chain of Argentine style gelato stores in Mexico, where there is a massive Argentine expat population, thousands of Argentine restaurants, and no Argentine gelato outlets. I plan to change that. But there are a lot of moving parts – sourcing a master chef, buying the equipment for a manufacturing hub, writing an operations bible, etc. I’m in the headhunting stage, but have a business plan that’s both aggressive and unique, and I have high hopes.

So not enough hours in the day between all this, and writing, and designing and building homes.

I should probably feel blessed at the embarrassment of riches life has dealt me.

But sometimes I just feel like a 30 hour day would be more practical than one with 24 hours. Oh well. Be careful what you wish for!


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