What’s that old expression – better late than never?
That aptly describes the wait many eager readers have endured for the 14th installment (16th if you count the two prequels) in the bestselling JET series.
It is with great pleasure that I can announce JET – Dark Web, is now up for pre-order, and will launch the end of the month.
I’m delighted with the book. Some of the chase scenes are right up there with the original, and I had almost forgotten how fun it is to put poor Jet into constant hot water. Fortunately, I rediscovered the joy of doing so, and we have JET – Dark Web to show for it.
So if you’re a fan of the series, make this an auto buy. You can pre-order it here.
This needs to be available on I Tunes
It should be by Friday. For a month. Don’t wait. It will be exclusive with Zon for 90 days as of Oct. 30.