This page is dedicated to Lobo the miracle dog, whose trials and tribulations are chronicled in An Angel With Fur. Below you’ll find a host of photos, some from the book, and others from my private collection, as well as links to videos of him. I hope you enjoy them.
VIDEOS: Lobo & Lamby (as a puppy), Lobo & The Bull (as a puppy), Lobo & Valentine’s Day Toy, Lobo’s 2006 Christmas Walk.
The cover for An Angel With Fur.
Lobo on the day I met him at the shelter, when I decided I needed to adopt a puppy. Do you blame me? Look at how handsome he was!
It was love at first sight. I heard music. So did Lobo.
Lobo’s very first car ride, coming home after having lived his entire short life at the animal shelter. The story behind this photo can be found in the book, and it’s an amusing one now, although not so much at the time…
Lobo with a kitchen towel he’d pilfered.
Lobo’s trademark “We Are Not Amused” look.
An image of a black wolf cub. Not Lobo. But you see the resemblance?
Lobo at around 8 months old.
Lobo in a happy moment.
Lobo enjoying the great outdoors.
Lover of life, catcher of balls, wary watcher of appliances.
If pure joy is possible to capture on film, this would be what it looks like.
Lobo looking like it’s about time for a nap. He would get this droopy-eyed look, and within seconds of his head hitting the pillow, would be sound asleep.
The Buzzard. Why anyone would give this to a dog is beyond me. Why anyone would design and produce it is even more mystifying. I especially like the quasi-rap star necklace.
Lobo ever vigilant, waiting for unsuspecting workers to walk by so he can bark at them.
Lobo with his favorite squeaky ball.
Lobo at almost eight months, adult coat of fur growing in.
Tennis balls are the best thing mankind ever invented besides rotisserie chicken.
At 15 months old, on his Christmas day, 2006 walk. It was this photo that gave me the inspiration for the book title. With the back-lighting from the setting sun, he looked like an apparition – an angel, if you will.