08 February 2015 by Published in: Uncategorized 8 comments

Some have asked that I share more about my daily process than the casual references to writing with which I pepper my blog, and have demanded that I delve into the actual operations of a publishing juggernaut the likes of which are unique in the annals of self-publishing history.

In doing so, I thought I’d clear up some misconceptions. Namely that I lounge about in board shorts, swigging margaritas, tapping out an occasional paragraph between bouts of snorting coke off strippers’ bottoms and dodging the Federales. Would that it were so. A tremendous amount of work goes into this, so I’ll describe a typical day so you can be the judge.

First thing this morning there was a board meeting that seemed to go on forever.

Blog 1

Then there was a concept development session.

Beer and cooler on beach

Followed by plotting.

blog 3

I broke for lunch, but it was a working lunch, during which I interviewed virtual assistants.

Blog 4

Then I spent several hours at a PR event discussing my work and upcoming releases.

blog 5


On the way home from the event, there was a traffic jam.Blog 8

Then, back to the grindstone until dinner.

Blog 6

After a draining day, I took a little time out to recharge my batteries, because you can’t be all about just work. In order to write about life, you need to experience it.blog 7

As you can see, my existence is not an endless series of debauched adventures and aimless slacking. I stay to a rigid schedule, albeit one that has suitable flexibility to accommodate my creative bursts, and I put in the hours required to achieve my goals. Anyone who believes that being a bestselling author involves jotting down a few pages of meanderings between bouts of problem drinking and being chased by inebriated women off the cruise ships has a distorted view of what I do.

I hope I’ve been able to clear things up once and for all.

Now go buy my crap. Drinks ain’t free in these joints.



  1. Sun 08th Feb 2015 at 5:39 pm

    Now hold on a cotton pickin’ minute– should I resent paying for your lifestyle? And how did you get that photo of me in a bikini??? I demand compensation.
    Oh well, I shall now go buy more of your crap. I’m such a sucker.

  2. Max
    Sun 08th Feb 2015 at 5:58 pm

    One thing I’ve noticed about ebooks is that no one cares about the author, or even looks most of the time. Is it weird or depressing to sell so many copies yet still be completely unknown? I guess the cash makes it worth it.

    • Russell Blake  –  Sun 08th Feb 2015 at 6:30 pm

      Put simply, there’s a flawed assumption there: that nobody cares about the author or looks most of the time. Of course they do, that’s why some authors sell hundreds of thousands of books per year, and others sell practically nothing.

      As to the question of whether fame is better than fortune? In my experience, fame is vastly overrated unless you’re a certain age and trying to attract members of the opposite sex, and maybe get a table at a trendy restaurant in London, Hollywood, or NY. Fortune, on the other hand, can accomplish the same objectives, and in the end, is still in your bank long after the fickle public has moved onto the next new shiny thing. So yes, the cash makes it very worth it to operate a business that earns a shit ton of it, because that’s the purpose of business, not to stroke the ego of the content producer.

      If anyone ever gives you the option of being rich, or famous? Always opt for rich. Then you can buy the company of all the famous folks you want.

      As to is it weird or depressing? Not for me. I find it wildly exciting that 99% of my potential audience has yet to hear of me. That spells a growth opportunity that’s beyond belief. If I can build a loyal readership in the meantime, and be handsomely compensated, that’s a win. And at some point, if one of the folks in Hollywood nosing around buys one of my franchises, or one of the graphic novel groups takes one and runs with it, I can still get the marquee value and see the stupid sized money. But I don’t have to depend on winning the lottery in the meantime. I view that having cake and eating it too as a massive positive.

  3. Sun 08th Feb 2015 at 7:20 pm

    The plotting part looks good. So does the concept development session. Since it’s 5 degrees outside maybe I’ll just wear my swimsuit as I write and play wave sounds in the background.

  4. Kirk Alex
    Wed 11th Feb 2015 at 7:30 pm


    This clearly explains your meager output of late. 🙂

    By the way, how can I contact your German cover designer? Love the work he’s done for you.

    Kirk Alex

    • Russell Blake  –  Thu 12th Feb 2015 at 12:17 am

      He works for the publisher, so isn’t accepting any new clients that I know of. But I’ll ping him via email and see if he’ll take on one more.

  5. cinisajoy
    Tue 17th Feb 2015 at 7:32 pm

    Wait. I thought you were in a speedo.


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