At long last, the eleventh book in the bestselling The Day After Never series is finished, edited, proofed, and is live on Amazon!
I don’t want to say too much about it and give anything away, but it was tough to write. So tough that about halfway through I tossed the draft I had, and started again from scratch. I’m so glad I did, though, because what came out the other end of the sausage machine was infinitely superior to my original idea.
So stop whatever you’re doing and head over to Amazon and pick up your copy today. No time like the present, and nobody’s getting any younger. Hope you enjoy it.
I’d love to finish reading this series. I have read all of Jet, all of the Assassin, and all of The Day After Never except Volume 11. I want the author to make a living. I’m not sure how that works with Kindle Unlimited, but Kindle Unlimited is the deal that I signed up for. Volume 11 is only available at an additional premium. I don’t mind paying for what I get, but I don’t like deception. I regret that I can’t finish this excellent series. Amazon, being Amazon, provides no avenue of complaint, so I’m leaving my comment here. tjb
KU is a marketing tool that pays authors maybe 20% of what they make selling the book. It is amazing for Amazon, and for readers, but isn’t practical for authors who don’t want to flip burgers for their main gig. Sorry you feel the entire series should be in KU. I’ve decided never again after looking at the numbers, as it makes readers feel that books aren’t worth the price of a large latte, and uses their content as loss leaders to draw eyes.
I’ve read all of the Jet series, and just purchase the latest. I’ve read both The Day After Never and Jet by buying some and borrowing from the KU library. Speaking of, will there be more in that series? My grandfather and I are hooked. He can’t wait to read the newest Jet too.
I hope to release a new JET within the next 60 days, and a new DAN this summer/fall. I’ve slowed to two to three novels per year due to other demands on my time, but both series are dear to my heart.
Love the series. I’ve read the first 10 and was about to pull down #11 but it’s not on Kindle Unlimited like the previous books in the series. Just curious, is that typical when first released, or is there more to the story? Thanks for the great series, looking forward to reading this one, too.
I’ve decided not to continue with my books in KU as the payout is anemic and doesn’t pay anywhere near enough to justify doing it.
I’m back on the convoy! Just started Remedy….
I wish I could afford to fully support all my favorite authors without KU but that’s what’s in my budget. So sorry it’s a bum deal for authors. It’s gotta be better than what you get from Overdrive/Public Library borrows, right?
Oh, and best of luck with the new collaboration. Will we be hearing more about that soon here?
Very excited about this! Will the audiobook be coming out soon as well?!? I hope so!
ACX rejiggered their royalties so producing audiobooks is no longer profitable. Sorry. I enjoyed doing them, but not if after a year I wind up in the hole.
So book 9 thru 11 won’t be audiobooks , a shame to start a great series and not be able to finish it, guess you’re not to loyal to your fans, I only do audiobooks, so guess I’m screwed, was gonna try your other books, but not into unloyal authors who only care about the almighty buck. Wonder how much you will lose from disgruntled buyers of audiobooks?
Loyalty has zero to do with ACX making it financially untenable to produce more audiobooks. Trust me, if there were a dime to be made doing audiobooks, I would be doing them. I’ve found it isn’t a good business model to support mega corporations by losing money creating content for them.
So, if you were able to find a way to make the Audiobook and make money from it, you would? Or are you just done with that idea? I agree, you need to be compensated for your work.
Of course I’d make them.
I’m not seeing the paperback version on Amazon for Remedy – the only option I see is for Kindle. I’m old school and prefer having the book to read – where can a get a hard copy of Remedy? I’ve read the first 10 book in the series and they’ve been great! But I need the last one!!
I’ll get on that immediately.
Well, I read book 11 immediately, and now I await book 12.. I love the series and the values of the main characters. Be awesome to see these made into a series on Prime or Hulu or something. You’ve definitely got a story per episode, maybe even a 2 arc episode for some books. I’d just like to see the series through to the end. I hope book 12 is coming soon, very soon.
I am about to release book 17, so your wish has apparently been granted!
Just finished book 11. Where can I find the rest of the series? Nothing is coming up on Amazon.
Haven’t written the rest yet. Another this year.
Is there “a place” where I can scroll through all your books, either by you alone or co-authored? I “think” I’ve read every one of your books, but you’ve been so active, I’m not sure. Especially the co-authored ones.
How do I get books 12-17? They are amazing!
I have read three of your series (well most of Jet originals) and I have to say that your books are a great ride, complete with intelligent dialogue, consistently good characters, solid technically researched details. I have read a LOT of books in my life, and I usually judge the good ones by three key traits: 1) my inability to put them down; 2) how fast I digest them; 3) how disturbed I feel when I finish the last of the series. Anyhow, don’t usually leave a lot of comments, but you are a writer worthy of praise.
Thanks for the warm words. Never gets old hearing them.
I don’t see anything pass Remedy, but you stated that 12-17 are done? I can’t find them on Amazon. Thanks
Sorry. I thought you meant JET. I haven’t written another DAN yet.
Love the day after never series have listened to it on Audible John David Farrell is a great narrator, sadly though books 9,10 and 11 have not been produced with audible and wondering if they are due to be done
thanks, i am enjoying your writing
Due to royalty rate changes at Audible, it’s made production of audiobooks non-viable, so no plans to continue feathering Bezos’ nest at author expense. Sorry. Wish it were different, and definitely agree that John is a skilled talent.
Thanks for the reply that is disappointing and I understand your position, it is hard to access books I like in paperback (the medium I prefer) in Australia that are produced in the USA
Dear Mr Blake,
My wife and I have really enjoyed your Day After Never series. We listened to the first 8 then we read aloud to each other the other three. We love Lucas, Ruby and the cast and hate to say goodbye. Are there any plans to write more of their story or to do any kind of movie based on this series?
Thanks for many hours of reading pleasure!
Roger Hunter
I plan to write another few to finish the series, but life got in the way over the last year or so. Stay tuned, and thanks for the warm words.
I have all the audiobooks for the Day After Never one through eight why is 9,10,11not on audible?
Nope. Regrettably, Audible changed their royalty scheme so it’s no longer financially viable to do audiobooks. A shame.
When will book 9 be released on audiobooks
Probably won’t be since ACX changed the royalty rates so they aren’t economically viable any longer.
I have really enjoyed the Day after Never series . So much so that I’ve reread the 11 books twice so far . I hope you’ll put out a few more . I’m talking books . I love having a library of books and the aroma of a book when it’s first opened. I don’t mind paying for that style of enjoyment ! Thank you for the stories and please write a few more Books !
I’ve listened to all of the Day After Never series through book 9…my wife has read 10 and I just ordered book 11. I’m legally blind and have great difficulty reading text. Is there any plans to do audio recordings if the latest books in the near future?
The rest are now up as audio.
Please can you let us know when The Day After Never book 12 will be available on Kindle?
I haven’t written it yet, and took a break from writing. I’ll alert everyone once I have inked it!
I’m on Book 6 of 11 (Second time through the series) The Day After Never, and would just love if you added a few more to the series. Any chance of Book 12 or 13? Hope, hope…
They Killed the final books in The Day After Never audio series. Completely cheeped out and did them AI – Bill Lasseter did a great job … the AI cant even pronounce words correctly … solid drone audio …
I am on book 9 and I am loving the stories but the new narrator on book 9 is horrible I would recommend getting the narrator from the first 8 if this was the narrator of the first book I would not have bought and listened to any of these.
Yeah, that was a mistake. I got rid of him and pulled the audio. No bueno.
When can we expect book 12????
Fair question. Some time in 2025.
I have enjoyed your writing, The Day after Never Books 1-9 so far. Starting on 10 tomorrow. I thought I heard somewhere that books 12-17 are coming out? ETA?
Thank you for your writing, I can’t put your books down.
Another one should come out this year. Thanks for the warm words.