07 July 2015 by Published in: kindle worlds Tags: 11 comments

Nasty in Nice

Author Claude Bouchard

Claude Bouchard is an acclaimed indie author who’s been a buddy of mine for years, even though he’s French (okay, French-Canadian, which is almost, well, never mind). I was thrilled when he agreed to write in the world, and yes, cocktails might have been involved, but don’t cheapen this. I’ve read a bunch of his novels, and can honestly say they’re fun action thriller romps that leave you wanting more. And with that, without any further ado, here’s the description of his contribution to the JET – Kindle World, followed by an interview with him:

Nasty in Nice

Some believe there is no such thing as coincidence… But there is.

Four months of peace and tranquility have gone by since the last attempt on their lives, leaving Maya and Matt increasingly confident their enemies are truly part of the past, their biggest worry, deciding their next destination as they travel Europe with three year old Hannah.

Vacationing in Paris with her long-distance partner, Dominique, Canadian operative, Leslie Robb is thrilled to receive a call from friend and colleague, Chris Barry, inviting the two women to join him and his wife at a lavish rented villa in Nice.

On the Deep Web, a covert meeting takes place, twelve of the world’s most efficient assassins, brought together to eliminate Maya and Matt, once and for all.

As the dozen killers begin their quest to locate their targets, a chance encounter takes place in Nice, turning the quasi-guaranteed biggest payday of their careers into their biggest nightmare.

 ~ ~ ~

Russell: How did you come to be interested in the JET Series Kindle World?

Claude: Sometimes, timing is everything. It was June 1st, the day I officially released Sins in the Sun, the eleventh of my series, and I was mulling over ideas for the next one which I planned to base in Nice, having just returned from there. Shortly before dinner, I was skimming through the Facebook timeline and saw your post regarding the JET Kindle World… EUREKA! I saw immediate possibilities of melding my clandestine operatives with those from your Jet Series and Nasty in Nice was born.

Russell: Tell us how your story links to the JET Series. Characters, setting, specific event? Is there any crossover or meetings between your characters and any of the original characters?

Claude: My series revolves around a discreet government agency which deals with undesirable people, often via unorthodox methods. Considering Maya’s and Matt’s pasts with the Mossad and CIA and their adventures since leaving the intelligence field, getting my crew involved with them makes perfect sense. In summary, Maya, Matt and Hannah have been visiting Europe for a couple of months without the annoying attempts on their lives which previously plagued them. By sheer coincidence, they cross paths with my characters vacationing in Nice just before a new group of killers comes gunning for them. My characters join forces with yours and what follows is a whole lot of fun.

Russell: The JET Series books are fast-paced action and adventure stories. What genres do you explore in your story?

Claude: My series has been a solid blend of mystery, thriller, suspense and action and adventure throughout and Nasty in Nice will be no different. Fear not, your characters won’t be bored.

Russell: The JET series has been set all over the world… the Middle East, Asia, South American, the Caribbean, etc. Tell us about where you set your story, and why?

Claude: I enjoy traveling and have taken to setting my stories in locales I’ve visited over time. Having returned from Nice a couple of days before learning of the JET Kindle World made my setting choice easy.

Russell: Tell us a little about your main character. Why do you think readers will like him?

Claude: Chris Barry, now in his early fifties, is a good-looking, fit, intelligent and charming operative who made a fortune in his former corporate life. Leslie Robb, one of Chris’ colleagues, is a tall, thirty-three year old redhead with killer looks and lethal talents who happens to be a lesbian. What’s not to love?

Russell: Did you decide to include any of the main characters from JET (Jet / Maya, Matt or Hannah?) If so, Why?

Claude: Nasty in Nice can be viewed as another adventure in the JET series so it made perfect sense to include all three main characters as they pursue their quest for a quiet, peaceful, normal life.

Russell: What major theme comes across the clearest in your story? Is this a theme found consistently in your other works?

Claude: In the same vein as the JET series, the major theme of my story is that of good overcoming evil. The main reason I was intent on participating in the JET Kindle World as soon as I learned of it was because that very theme is the underlying basis of my Vigilante series. I legitimized the concept of vigilantism as of the second book with the introduction of my government agency which has since successfully dealt with all things wicked.

Russell: Share some of your story about becoming a writer. Long version or short version. You decide.

Claude: While seeking employment in 2009, I pulled out my first three manuscripts which I had written from 1995 to 1997. Following rereads and edits, I published them and began writing my fourth then another and so on. Somewhere along the way, people started buying my books and I realized I no longer needed a job. I had one. I was a writer. Twelve novels later with more to come, I’m quite pleased with how things have turned out.

Russell: Do you have a background related to your writing? Interests? What makes you interesting outside of your books…Authors are often some of the most interesting people I’ve met, although admittedly I don’t get out much.

Claude: Most of my corporate career was in human resources management which may explain why my novels involve murder and mayhem. I did do quite a bit of business writing over the years which may have helped with those funny things like spelling and punctuation. Interests include painting, playing guitar, cooking and travel. I’ve been told I’m witty which is better than being witless. I don’t know how interesting I am though people rarely run off screaming in frustration after spending time with me. I too don’t get out much which allows me to save a lot of money on my wardrobe.

Russell: JET is set in a world where many governments including Israel and the U.S. have covert operations including false flag attacks and assassinations. Do you believe this is really the world we live in? If so, what are your thoughts on the future?

Claude: Since the world we live in is run by man and man tends to be selfish, greedy and manipulative, I do believe this really is the world we live in. As for the future, will man eventually destroy the planet due to the aforementioned characteristics? It’s possible and, if it happens, I hope it’s well past my time. See what I did there? I was selfish.

Russell: What are you working on next, aside from the novella in the JET Series Kindle World?

Claude: Unlike some people I know *cough*, I generally work on one book at a time and then move onto the next. Since I used Nice as the setting for my contribution to the JET Kindle Worlds, I may have to go on another trip before I can write anything else.

Claude’s website is http://www.claudebouchardbooks.com/



  1. Tue 07th Jul 2015 at 4:22 pm

    I’ve been negligent and haven’t read any of Claude’s books, so I’ll have to go about fixing that.

    Congrats on both of your all’s continued success!

    • Claude Bouchard  –  Wed 08th Jul 2015 at 6:51 am

      Hi, Stan,

      Thanks for the visit and the proposed fix. Much appreciated. 🙂

  2. Tue 07th Jul 2015 at 4:43 pm

    It will be cool to see the characters from both series together. Looking forward to reading it!

    • Claude Bouchard  –  Wed 08th Jul 2015 at 6:56 am

      Hi, Kim,

      I really had a blast with this. In the week or so before I started writing it, I went through the full JET series so I was quite comfortable with Maya, Matt and Hannah (who is adorable, BTW. 🙂 )

  3. Ace
    Tue 07th Jul 2015 at 11:11 pm

    This is a really clever premise for Jet’s Kindle World; I can’t wait to read it. I’ve been a huge fan of Jet from the get-go and between her, John Rain, Jack Ryan Jr’s campus agents, Scott Harvath, Mitch Rapp, Keller, Jane Whitefield and others, I can’t seem to find the time to get my own characters out of my head and onto ePaper. But after reading Russell’s books and two of Claudes along with the incredibly motivating posts from this blog, that’s about to change – so hold on to yer butts.

    Funny thing is, I never thought about going the indie route… until reading Russell’s blog, that is. As it happens, right now I’m looking for a job, but that’s not a full-time activity; it’s more like hurry up and wait. And I have some unpublished work so maybe I’ll follow Claude’s lead and who knows, I might just find that I too, already have a job.

    Oh, and thanks guys for all the great books. Not to mention the jump-start!


    PS: Russell, I’m almost all the way through your back list… so I’m really hoping that you’ve got a few in the queue.

    • Claude Bouchard  –  Wed 08th Jul 2015 at 3:36 pm

      Hi, Ace,

      Thanks for checking out the interview and, I can’t disagree with you about the premise. Anyone who has read either Russell’s Jet series or my Vigilante series will find Nasty in Nice to basically be the next installment in either series.

      As for your own writing, if you’re willing to treat it like job, you never know what might happen. 🙂

  4. Lynda Filler
    Wed 08th Jul 2015 at 4:26 pm

    Great prequel!
    Can’t wait to read what Jet and Matt are up to in the South of France..
    Alas, I believe in my Jet, they’ve parted ways for a bit.
    Maybe she conveniently left him playing in Nice, while she went back to Central America and….
    You will have to read it to find out!

    • Lynda Filler  –  Wed 08th Jul 2015 at 4:31 pm

      ignore the “prequel”
      or maybe that’s a hint…

    • Claude Bouchard  –  Thu 09th Jul 2015 at 1:24 pm

      I guess we will, Lynda. 🙂

  5. Thu 09th Jul 2015 at 11:58 am

    What is the street date?

    • Claude Bouchard  –  Thu 09th Jul 2015 at 1:31 pm

      Hi, Richard,

      From what I know, the JET Kindle World will go live on July 28th.

  6. Deborah Brown
    Thu 09th Jul 2015 at 9:36 pm

    Claude –
    I looked for a ‘thumbs up’ button – hmm…
    You always give a good interview. Enjoyed.


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