It’s coming up on Xmas, so it must be time for JET 8! What’s that you say? Where can you buy it now, on pre-order, so it’s automatically on your kindle the day after Xmas? Glad you asked.
You can pre-order it from Amazon, and whenever Smashwords gets around to putting it through their system, from all other quality ebook retailers.
I think it’s a good one. So much so I’m really looking forward to JET 9, to see where everyone winds up going from here.
That’s a good feeling.
Here’s the cover. It was inspired by my German colleague Michael Schubert, who is way too busy to churn these out at the rate I write books, but to whom I owe a large debt for putting a look I adore to my prose.
Wow! Love this cover as much as the one he made for Jet.
Seriously WOW. The cover rocks. I love the newer covers with the black and orange theme. Very nice.
Hello Blake,
Excellent cover!
Expresses the raw power and intense aggression so amply demonstrated in your Jet series!
(It also reminds me of my ex-wife’s raw power and aggression…those are her lawyers in the attack helicopter in the background. Talk about noir…)
wow love the new cover looking forward to the new book if its as good as the rest of the jet series witch I’m sure it will be looking forward to an amazing read
Why did the Audiobooks stop?
the only time i get to enjoy books is during my commute so i listen to audiobooks in the car…… I have listened to the first 7 Jet books and was really enjoying the story but now i can’t find out what happens because the audio versions stopped!!!!!! please reinstate them
Alas, it is because ACX changed their commission structure to where it was no longer financially viable to create high quality audiobooks.