08 October 2015 by Published in: Uncategorized 22 comments

I bowed to the collective will of my awesome readership and have penned a new JET novel, now on pre-order and scheduled for release on Xmas day, as seems fitting. The title is JET – Incarceration, and is a different approach than the last couple were, in that it is self-contained with a full story arc between the covers.

Don’t get me wrong about thinking I’d wind down the series – I love writing JET novels. But I was fearful that she might have worn out her welcome with readers and it was time to move on. Judging by the hundreds of outraged emails and PMs demanding more JET, that was, er, mistaken, as are many of my bright ideas.

JET – Incarceration picks up with Jet and company nine months after the last JET left off, in the relative tranquility of Kosovo, which unfortunately, doesn’t stay calm for long. Then again, if it did, I could title it “JET – Goes Shopping!” or “JET – Mocha Frappuchino!” and then there wouldn’t be much runway for the series moving forward. Likewise, the folks who leave concerned reviews because they’re outraged that Hannah is in peril should realize that, A) It’s fiction, and B) If she was safe, it would be all about playdates or whatever, not action and adventure.

Here’s the cover. Available now wherever fine ebooks are sold. Tell me the kids’ little eyes won’t light up when they get a pre-order of the latest JET epic on their Kindle Christmas morning! “Mom, she just killed another pony, and it’s only page three!” Some things are priceless, n’est ce pas?

jet-incarceration-revised5-low res



  1. Thu 08th Oct 2015 at 12:34 pm

    Nice cover! Love the new style.

  2. Dorothy
    Thu 08th Oct 2015 at 1:39 pm

    There had better not be any pony killing. On page 3 or any other.

    • Russell Blake  –  Thu 08th Oct 2015 at 3:05 pm

      But…it’s Jet hiding at a glue factory! I thought we discussed this. Chock-a-block with pony carnage from the first para till the last. Very little but, truth be told.

      Is that a problem? I can catch it on rewrite…

      • Dorothy  –  Thu 08th Oct 2015 at 5:04 pm

        It’s times like this when “track changes” mysteriously … stops functioning.

        • Russell Blake  –  Thu 08th Oct 2015 at 6:01 pm

          Okay, only the ones that deserve it. I can compromise.

  3. kdf
    Fri 09th Oct 2015 at 11:32 am

    ok i saw this and put it on my wishlist on Amazon. then Amazon suggest all these Kindle world novels about Jet aka Maya and you were not the author. i am confused and wondering if i need to buy these as well???

    • Russell Blake  –  Fri 09th Oct 2015 at 12:29 pm

      JET Kindle Worlds are fan fiction novellas and novels written by others using the same characters.

      • kdf  –  Mon 12th Oct 2015 at 2:41 pm

        Thanks! hmm i don’t normally like fanfiction. i’ll check out the reviews.

  4. Robert
    Sat 10th Oct 2015 at 4:20 am

    N’est pas. Le ‘ce’ n’est pas necessaire.

    Just sayin’

    • Russell Blake  –  Sun 11th Oct 2015 at 1:07 am

      My proofreader, who is French Canadian, corrected me on that when I wrote it as n’est pas, which is how I say it. She said the ce is in fact necessary in written form. Killjoy, I said. We are at an impasse.

      • Robert  –  Sun 11th Oct 2015 at 5:26 am

        Ah, French Canadian. Not like a proper one then.

        • Russell Blake  –  Sun 11th Oct 2015 at 12:07 pm

          She might argue otherwise.

  5. Hunter
    Sat 10th Oct 2015 at 9:57 pm

    Hey Russell

    Who makes your covers, they are awesome?

    • Russell Blake  –  Sun 11th Oct 2015 at 12:20 pm

      Email me at [email protected] and I can give you his contact info.

  6. Terry Thane
    Sat 07th Nov 2015 at 4:22 am

    Cant find the latest JET novel on Amazon Has it been released as an ebook?

  7. David Kramer Sr.
    Sun 08th Nov 2015 at 1:20 am

    Are any of your Jet series sold as a group at a lower price per unit? I understand the need to make a living, but as a 75 year old on a fixed income that loves to read and escape the problems of old age, I can not afford to buy a series of books like Jet. Although, as I see that the Jet Incarceration book is self-contained with a full story arc between the covers book, I may be able to afford that.

    Thank you for your time, which I do understand is so important to each of us, spent reading and possibly answering this comment.

    • Russell Blake  –  Mon 09th Nov 2015 at 12:27 pm

      The first three volumes are sold as a bundle, but the rest are intended as stand-alone installments. Search for Triple Trouble for the special bundle – it will save you a buck over the cost of the combined books.

  8. Elizabeth (LIZ)
    Tue 01st Dec 2015 at 4:12 pm

    Russell, I saw those other “JET BOOKS” if they don’t have “RUSSELL BLAKE” as the author, their not the real deal.
    I love Jet, please keep her going. There is so much more, in you to write about Jet.

  9. Chris Kowitz
    Mon 07th Dec 2015 at 2:53 pm

    Working on the 3rd book in the series. Thanks to BookBub for the offer on the 1st book. I’m totally hooked. These books are impossible to put down.

    • Russell Blake  –  Mon 07th Dec 2015 at 3:04 pm

      Glad you’re enjoying ’em. Tell a friend or ten!

  10. Laird John
    Wed 06th Jan 2016 at 9:03 am

    I hope there will be more in the way of Jet books, i have already read them 3 times.


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