01 June 2015 by Published in: Uncategorized No comments yet

On July 28th, a Kindle World, in partnership with Amazon, will go live, featuring the world of JET.

Interested authors can write whatever they like in the world, provided it’s not porn and they don’t kill any of my characters off – and get to keep whatever characters they create, so if they have a hit, they can run with it, no strings attached.

What does that mean and why would any authors care? Two big reasons: A readership of hundreds of thousands for the JET series, and a royalty split.

This means that you have a ready-made audience of action thriller aficionados who enjoy the character and the theme, and you’ll get paid more than a trad pub would give you for penning a measly 25K words. 35%, to be exact, which might not buy you a new car, but could certainly buy several rounds of drinks, a few nice dinners, and sundry bad habits of your choosing, provided they don’t involve planes, boats, ponies, or women of questionable virtue. Which rules out most of mine, but let’s not go there.

That gives you eight weeks to write in the world. Contact me if you want to be a launch author. It’s a hell of a way to get exposure to a big crowd. For further details, go to the Kindle Worlds section.

Any questions that aren’t addressed in the KW section, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I’ll do my best to answer. Good luck, and thanks for playing!



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