22 June 2018 by Published in: Uncategorized 4 comments

My techno-thriller epic, Quantum Synapse, is finally live and available on Amazon! It’s a big book, nearly 100K words, and is the first in a series of novels set in the near future, in a society where tech and urban decay’s run amok. It features a cast of heroic and loathsome characters, and should delight those who enjoy my storytelling and prose, even if not huge fans of techno-thrillers.

If you require a better description, think if Michael Crichton and Dan Brown had a love child (with a splash of Blade Runner and Total Recall thrown into the mix for fun). It’s a fast moving saga, and features everything from speculative physics to an origin story that explains mankind’s ascent to dominance on Earth. If you like the pacing, plotting, and action of JET or The Day After Never, this should be up your alley, and I encourage you to give it a try.

It will be out on other platforms after my exclusive with Amazon expires in 90 days, and is in Kindle Unlimited for those who are part of that program. Here’s the cover, along with a hot link to the Amazon U.S. sales page.



  1. John Stouffer
    Wed 11th Jul 2018 at 1:07 am

    Great book and characters (just like all of your books)

    Any idea when the second book for its series might be available?

    Keep up the fantastic books and characters

    • Russell Blake  –  Fri 13th Jul 2018 at 9:45 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll be doing another in about 9 months. Just like a baby!

    • Russell Blake  –  Fri 13th Jul 2018 at 9:45 pm

      Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll be doing another in about 9 months. Just like a baby!

  2. Sat 28th Sep 2019 at 2:49 pm

    Another great book for Russell!

    As usual, great character building and I like the futuristic lean of the book. Fun have some quantum theory worked into the adventure.

    Looking forward to the next book in the (hopefully) new series!


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