A summary:
Jet, kidnapped and stripped of her memories, is imprisoned on an island Fortress forgotten by time. She’s being used as a human guinea pig in a series of diabolical experiments by a man who’s a worthy heir to the Nazi Angel of Death, Joseph Mengele.
But she’s not alone. Three other master operatives are imprisoned beside her and subjected to identical treatments.
No explanations. No hope. No way out.
They’re the best of the best that the CIA, Mossad, KGB & the North Korean RGB intelligence services have to offer, and they’re trapped like mice in a locked maze.
They’ve been stripped down to nothing save for a burning desire for
revenge and their remarkable sets of skills.
Russell: How did you come to be interested in the JET Series Kindle World?
Bob: I’ve read a bunch of the Jet novels and, while my own thrillers have a lot of action and suspense, I jumped at the opportunity to write in the world of covert operations and powerful people manipulating and controlling the lives and destinies of others and the course of nations.
Russell: Tell us how your story links to the JET Series. Characters, setting, specific event? Is there any crossover or meetings between your characters and any of the original characters?
Bob: Jet is a major character and interacts throughout the novella with three other top operatives who I invented from various security services, along with Marsh, a character taken from my soon-to-be published Max Plank mystery series.
Russell: The JET Series books are fast-paced action and adventure stories. What genre(s) do you explore in your story?
Bob: Same genre. Action/adventure. Very close to the thrillers I’ve written which are filled with A/A.
Russell: The JET series has been set all over the world… the Middle East, Asia, South American, the Caribbean, etc. Tell us about where you set your story, and why?
Bob: Except for a brief couple of chapters that take us to Sydney, Australia, the entire story is set in a Fortress on one of the tiniest of the 778 islands that make up the Falklands. I’m planning on continuing the series and those books will take us to far-flung locales all over the world.
Russell: Tell us a little about your main characters. Why do you think readers will like them?
Bob: There are five main characters I introduce in The Fortress, Jet being one of them. They’re all operatives, all the best of the best for their respective security services–CIA, Mossad, KGB, MI6 and the North Korean RGB. Being highly-trained agents, all are full spunk and vinegar, heart and soul, but have their fair share of personal problems and neuroses.
Russell: What major theme comes across the clearest in your story? Is this a theme found consistently in your other works?
Bob: Courage in the face of overwhelming adversity. The nature of evil and how it’s never just black and white. Betrayal and revenge are also themes consistent to this story and all of my novels. My mysteries and thrillers include Between a Smile and a Tear, Ransom Dreams, Acapella Blues, and Love Stings. You can find out more at robertbucchianeri.com or go to my author page at Amazon.
Russell: Do you have a background related to your writing? Interests? What makes you interesting outside of your books?
Bob: I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology! Seriously, most of my learning has been by the book. I’ve read widely from literary to pulp fiction and studied the masters and not-somasterly in most commercial genres.
I write in bed, like Proust. Other than that habit and the fact that he’s french and I love croissants, we have little else in common. Actually, I write where I sleep because my dog wants to lie beside me. It’s always been my burden, whether it’s dogs or women.
With all this lying about all day, I try to counteract with bursts of running, yoga, and P90X.
Russell: JET is set in a world where many governments including Israel and the U.S. have covert operations including false flag and assassinations. Do you believe this is really the world we live in? If so, what are your thoughts on the future?
Bob: ‘fraid so. There are lots of good books that reveal the history that’s not taught in our schools, but I’d recommend retired Army colonel and Professor Andrew Bacevich’s tomes such as Washington Rules or American Empire for insight.
As to the future, I wouldn’t presume to presume. No way to control for variables but, since humans are involved, we can be pretty sure it won’t be entirely peachy.
Russell: What are you working on next, aside from the novella in the JET Series Kindle World?
Bob: I’m working on the first three books in my Max Plank mystery series set in San Francisco. Hope to have all of them up or nearly so before summer ends. I’m also planning on continuing the Jet Kindle World Series, Ex-Ops Chronicles, I’ve started with The Fortress. So if readers like the characters they meet in the first one, there’ll be more coming soon.
Thanks for the interview, Russell! And for the opportunity to write in Jet’s world. It was a blast.