Clive and I are working furiously on the next Fargo novel, the as yet untitled tome that is the continuation of the series I co-authored the last installment of, which releases Sept. 2, titled The Eye Of Heaven.
So if you haven’t seen much of me, that’s why.
Either that, or I’ve been incarcerated by the Mexican authorities again for deviant behavior. Kidding. Here, I think they throw you a parade and make you mayor, they don’t jail you.
Which brings up an interesting point that was raised the other day by a buddy who was bemoaning how hard it is to use cash in the U.S. any more.
I’m not surprised. Even though I’ve been living abroad for over a decade, I saw it coming way before 9-11. Back then, of course, it wasn’t a war on terror that was the reasoning for criminalizing the use of cash, it was the war on drugs. But even if the playbook has changed, the net result has remained the same: the government wants to be able to track every dime you spend, and it can’t do that with cash, only electronic purchases. It also can’t control you as easily if you can put your net worth into a briefcase and walk across a border, but it’s got all the options if it only needs to shut off your access to bank accounts with the flick of a switch.
I’m reminded of that movie, Enemy of the State. George Orwell saw this developing many years ago. Now, if you read 1984, it reads like a sober description of the current state of affairs in the U.S. and many first world countries in Europe, whose privately-owned central banks are dictating terms to those governments. The message is simple: You must be able to control your population with the implicit threat of imprisonment for any and all reasons, including de facto imprisonment within your borders via currency controls and locking up your citizenry’s assets.
I write conspiracy theory-based novels. But what makes them provocative, at least for me, is how closely they track reality.
Most don’t know that the IRS was created in the same bill that created the Federal Reserve (you know, the privately owned central bank that had to be called something that sounded governmental so the average Joe would think it was part of the government), back in 1913. The reasoning was simple. The banks intended to siphon off most of the nation’s net worth over generations by printing money and taking a cut, but there was a problem – they needed a mechanism to pull all that money back out of circulation so they didn’t create runaway inflation, merely controllable inflation, which is another way of saying debasing the value of the currency (its buying power) at a controlled rate every year, the loss effectively being their profit via their banking Ponzi scheme.
So suddenly a tax on personal income was introduced, and bam, there was the mechanism to suck the money that had been created back. It had zero to do with paying one’s fair share, and everything to do with a rinse and repeat mechanism. Most also don’t know that 100% of the government’s obligations were met each year from corporate and import/export tax, so there was no requirement for a new tax base. It was purely to create that print money, suck it out cycle, which is why the same bill, written by a relative of one of the bankers behind the bill and passed in a special session of Congress over the Christmas break when only his cronies would be in town to vote on it, created the IRS. You learn something new every day. Go read about it. Check out The Creature From Jekyll Island – a non-fiction tome that details the entire nefarious scheme (and which was denied for generations by the Fed and the government – until the internet made it impossible to hide the ownership anymore).
The problem becomes that all systems that abuse their populations encourage the smarter ones to bail out of it at some point. To take their marbles and go elsewhere. That has to be stopped, especially as the state requires the productive to support the unproductive at an ever increasing level.
This is all about control. About a federal apparatus that doesn’t work for you, but rather for the enrichment of its backers and the power of its politicians, who require ever increasing say over every aspect of your life. If it can track every purchase you make, if the implicit threat of being able to cut you off at the knees and seize everything is always waiting in the wings, then it owns your ass, and it can do whatever it wants in spite of your feeble protests.
Bluntly, when your government becomes a master to be feared rather than a servant to be distrusted, you’ve lost.
That’s the sad state of affairs. And no, this isn’t anti-American. The same situation is in place in the Euro zone for the exact same reasons. It’s the same banks, after all. Bank of England’s been privately owned for centuries – back in the 1800’s, it essentially seized all the government’s assets when the UK government couldn’t pay its debts to the privately owned bank, and has been using it as its bitch ever since. Ditto for every other European economy – even the central bank of the central banks, The Bank For International Settlement, is privately owned.
The classic generational land grab by the banks is usually war. They finance both sides, reap the profits as countries are destroyed, and repeat again after everything’s rebuilt using money borrowed from them. Nowadays, though, except for limited wars without end like Afghanistan, that’s not feasible, so the new technique is to encourage reckless spending by government using debt, and then grabbing all their assets when they need yet more money – it’s what they’ve been doing to Greece, Spain, Portugal, and so on. Works every time. Before, they had to get them to go to war. Now, just hand them a credit card for a few years. Same net effect.
The antidote to free exchange of information is to scare the crap out of the citizenry so it doesn’t dare protest, and flinches like a whipped pup whenever it’s threatened.
Welcome to the 21st century.
Happy writing with Clive!
I just realized I can’t remember the last time I used cash. Always debit card. Hmm.
Another fun thing going on for workers in the US. The new scam is get everyone working part time or as temps so companies don’t have to pay any benefits. They can also pay a lower hourly wage because you’re not “full time.” At first I saw this mostly in retail, but now I’m hearing of it in office work, sales, etc. And if you’re lucky enough to get full time benefits the health insurance sucks big time and they’ve taken all the time off (vacation, sicks days, holiday pay) and combined them into something called PTO, which has to be used while you’re with the company. You can’t leave and get the unused vacation pay in a check like before. I guess that’s fine if you plan accordingly, but if God forbid you were fired, you’d lose that money. Not that companies have much vacation time anymore anyway, but still. Guess it’s all a part of the new system.
… and I thought USA was the land of the free … mind you I decided long ago not to return ever to USA after being b******* around at borders. Put someone in uniform etc …
In UK now the Tax Authorities have been given recently permission to take money from taxpayer’s bank accounts before agreement of any tax due. Watch this play out …
For one of my books my main character tried to disappear ha, ha fat chance. Even Jack Reacher has been tied down.
Best wishes
Running on little sleep here, so sorry if I come across a bit dull.
I used to doubt this kind of stuff until I learned more hard facts. The IRS is not a branch of government, but it can arrest you. It even has its own judges and laws and can convict you according to them.
People doubt this kind of stuff because it sounds too contrived and convoluted. The thing is, we all assume that others are basically normal people. It’s not true of those very, very wealthy though. Those people live lives and aim for goals that would outright stun most of us (followed by vomit, then an extended fit of rage.) Politicians are not the most powerful people in a country. The real powers are the people who can give the politicians what they want.
I think the last thing that has supported this kind of oligarchy, though, is the false belief that gain comes only through hard work, and that businesses only succeed through fair competition. Not so. The reason the tax code is so convoluted is that it’s riddled with exceptions and regulations meant to give advantage to specific players. Same with EPA regulations. Huge, powerful corporations can afford a Department of Hamburger Meat Temperature Adjustment, while mom and pop’s awesome burger joint can’t.
Is it strange that the richest people use their wealth to try to rig the game so that their money is never at risk, no matter how badly they compete in their market?
I think people are coming to understand this corrupt relationship between the powerful and who they deal with in government, though. If nothing else the fake puppet show is creating a deep-rooted sense of falsehood and mistrust.
For years, if you investigated the Federal Reserve, you got this, “It’s a government-authorized entity blah blah blah” all designed to obfuscate. The fact is it is privately owned by the largest banks in the world, which is why it lends to obscure private banks in Belgium, Lichtenstein, England, Scotland, etc. The front organization is owned by its member banks, and pays 6% dividend, but the original banks that set it up are a closely guarded secret, although it’s known that the members who drafted the bill were the Rothchilds, Warburgs, JP Morgan (the meeting where it was agreed to call it the Federal Reserve System took place at his private island), Rockefellers, etc. The biggest bankers in the world. That’s historically verifiable fact, as is that the IRS was created at the same meeting for the purposes I outlined. The point is a lot of people have worked very hard to keep the average person from knowing any of this, because if they knew, they wouldn’t pay taxes and would demand an end to the Federal Reserve, just as Ron Paul wanted. So instead the media reports on the Fed as though it’s the government (even though only its board is government appointed – basically whoever the pecuniary interests that run the country want as scapegoat and figurehead) and the average person buys into it.
The world’s always been corrupt for as long as history’s been recorded. It’s only in the last 100 years that people were educated that it wasn’t. By the government controlled schools, of course. There’s a method to all the madness, and it’s not pretty.
I’ve always thought the income tax started in preparation of Prohibition. The government couldn’t afford losing all the booze taxes until they started taxing incomes. Of course, when Prohibition was abolished, why give the people their cut back?
Nope. On Jekyll Island, SC, owned by JP Morgan, the most powerful bankers in the world got together to draft a bill that would be floated by the uncle of one of the Rockefellers over Xmas break in Congress two years later, once their man had been elected President. In that same bill was the IRS. Print money with one hand, suck it back out of the system with the other. There was plenty of money coming in via excise and corporate tax. It had everything to do with creating an insidious system for the leeching of prosperity over generations via that system and the steady erosion of the dollar, and zero to do with prohibition. Read The Creature From Jekyll Island. Fascinating non-fiction.
Scary. I will check out that book when I’m in the mood to feel depressed.
What could be better to follow “The Eye of Heaven” than “The Heel of Hell.” (If you should like that, I want an invitation to lunch with Mr. Cussler. Oh, you an come too, Russell–just excuse yourself after the soup – or the first Tequila).
What is your opinion of the recnet ebola outbreak in West-Africa? The way it is apparently contracted sounds suspiciously like HIV/AIDS, with pigs, fruit bats and wood antelope all being blamed. What do you think?
Haven’t looked up from current WIP long enough to pay attention, so I have no opinion on it. Soz. Although those damn wood antelope. Shifty bunch.
Very interesting…. a friend of mine tried to deposit cash into her checking account the other day. The bank wouldn’t take it!!!
Yup. And the US is pressuring most nations to enact rules that curtail the use of cash. Because, you know, of the war on whatever it’s at war on at the moment. Perhaps at war against the world’s privacy, based on the latest Snowden revelations. “We can violate international law whenever we want, because we’re the U.S. But everyone else that does it is a bunch of war criminals.” And so on. Talk about hypocritical. Kind of like passing laws that make it functionally impossible to default on debt, brought to you by a government that funds its out of control lifestyle by borrowing trillions it can never pay back. Or by Congress passing a host of laws that it refuses to comply with, because, you know, like the royalty of old, it’s special. I could go on, but it’s just depressing…
Russell, can you please do a post on what you’ve learned from working with Clive Cussler in terms of storytelling, work ethic, marketing/branding, etc.?
I would, but I’m too busy writing. What I can say is the man’s a consummate storyteller, and keenly in tune with pacing. And he does love his twists. He views himself as an entertainer, not a high-faluting author, which is a similarity we share. If you keep the reader in mind at all times, and constantly question why they should give a shit about every page of every chapter, you’re on the right track. If the answer is, “they shouldn’t – it’s not important” then it should be cut. Pretty straightforward.
Love it. Thanks, Russell.